We should not worry too much about the growth of artificial intelligence

We should not worry too much about the growth of artificial intelligence. We should instead worry about the decline of natural creativity. Silvija is a professional and personal nomad with a multi-cultural passion for social and cultural changes caused by technology. She has worked in Oxford on some of the deepest theory of computer […]
Foredrag med Silvija Seres i Oslo Business Forum

Silvija Seres foredrag på Status Norge 2017

Oslo Busness Forum – Video med utdrag fra foredrag om Exponentiell Utvikling 23.03.2017

Se hele videon her: https://www.facebook.com/Obforum/videos/1609945652367579/
Oslo Business Forum – Podcast om digital disrupsjon – 23.01.2017

Fremtidens teknologi og ledelse By Oslo Business Forum Lytt til podcast: https://www.listennotes.com/channels/475521/oslo-business-forum-fremtidens-teknologi-og-ledelse/
Silvija’s talk at INMA on Digital disrupition – 09.12.2016

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The Incubators of Future

The Incubators of Future from Silvija Seres

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Tim Greve Symposium- Saudi Arabia

Download the presentation here
Saudi Arabia Images

Saudi Arabia from Silvija Seres