Silvija Seres, investor and techie
Silvija Seres is an investor and developer of technologies and companies. Her background is from research and education within software, where she did a PhD in algorithm optimization at Oxford University, programming at Alta Vista, and leadership at Fast Search and Transfer and Microsoft. Silvia has served on more than 30 major boards in private and public sector, and her current directorships include the Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation and the Oslo Stock Exchange. She has recently developed the most popular technology podcast in Norway, and is passionate about lifelong learning in practice, now. Silvija lives in Oslo, with a husband and four children.
The fourth industrial revolution and the future of work
The fourth industrial revolution changes how we work and who we are. The exponential development in digital infrastructure affects all other technologies in the same exponential manner, so that sensors, robotics, virtual reality, transportation and energy technologies and biology, medicine, materials science and blockchain all merge into a dizzying cocktail of solutions for the future. They do not only provide new efficiencies. They also transform business and society. These three changes (efficiencies, business transformation and social transformation) are felt ever more strongly in all value chains. Silvija explores their consequences and strategies for constructive futures.
The business and politics of data
The fourth industrial revolution is based on a cyber-digital cocktail of technologies, where the physical, biological, financial, social and legal worlds converge on a common platform and a common basic ingredient: data. The five most valuable companies in the world today all come from software, and their basic business model is to improve efficiencies in all value chains and all industries based on the data they amass. The way we deal with data will challenge and change not only our work and our capital, but also our societies and our humanity. We will discuss how to best meet this change from a perspective of leadership and law.
Silvija Seres
Silvija Seres er matematiker og teknologiinvestor. Hun har bakgrunn fra algoritmeforskning i Oxford, utvikling av søkemotoren Alta Vista i Silicon Valley, strategisk ledelse i Fast Search and Transfer, og tjenesteutvikling i Microsoft. Hun jobber nå som styremedlem i flere store selskaper, inkludert Oslo Børs og NRK, og som aktiv investor i flere teknologibedrifter.
Fremtidens arbeid, ferdigheter og liv
Den fjerde industrielle revolusjonen endrer ikke bare forretningsmodeller og markedsposisjoner, den endrer hvordan vi jobber og hvordan vi lærer, og hvordan vi er. Arbeidslivet vil endres på tvers av tre områder: økt effektivisering, nye forretningsmodeller, og ny politikk. Vi ser på hva som skjer i denne store teknologidrevne omveltningen av alle næringer og samfunn, og hvordan vi kan best tilpasse oss og drive denne endringsreisen på en konstruktiv måte.